A Step-by-Step Guide for Purchasing Insurance

You get what you pay for! It’s an old saying that we’ve all heard time and time again. And that saying has never been truer than when buying insurance. Nearly half of Americans think that they pay too much for insurance, according to a survey by Expertise. However, most people who choose insurance based on price alone would be surprised at what is not covered by their policy! Below is a step-by-step guide to help you get the most bang for your buck when purchasing insurance.

STEP 1: Decide which policy coverage you want. Then decide which policy meets your needs. If you’re unsure call a Licensed agent who will help you determine what policy coverage would work best in your favor.

STEP 2: Find out which insurance companies offer the policy that you are looking for in your state.

STEP 3: Call insurance agencies that sell the policy that you are interested in and compare costs.

STEP 4: Buy the policy that best fits your needs  and budget.


Determine the type of policy coverage you want and purchase the fairest priced policy that meets your needs rather than the ever-so- commercialized route of naming your price and getting the coverage that comes with that price. We’ve found that is where a majority of insured’s are disappointed at the time a claim is filed.

At Bon AimEE, we are enthusiastic and excited to assist you in finding that policy coverage that works best in your favor at the fairest price.